
How will my child be graded?

Student grades for all children K-2 will be based on the LAPS method with 10 points available per day.


L: Listening / includes following the directions and wearing proper shoes (2 pts)
A: Attitude (2 pts)
P: Participation (2 pts)
S: Skills assessments (4 pts)


What are the rules?

1.  Always come prepared-have the proper shoes and attitude for learning

2.  Respect Others: Use kind and encouraging words and actions, good sportsmanship is a must

3.  Respect Yourself: Always do your best every day/No negative self talk

4.  Respect Property: This includes ALL P.E. and building equipment


What are the consequences for not following the rules?

  • 1st Offense: Verbal warning
  • 2nd Offense:  Sit out of activity until student believes they can follow the rules
  • 3rd Offense:  Sit out of activity for the rest of the day and a behavior note will be sent home
  • 4th Offense:  Office Referral-call home to parents/guardian


If a student consistently breaks the same rules, a call will be made to the parent about the off task behavior and it may affect the child's participation grade for that quarter.